And for those of you who haven't 'liked' me on Facebook, please click on my badge over on the right and 'like' me!!
Most Sundays my human goes out somewhere. I'm not sure where she goes, but when she comes back, she brings me my very own Take Away. And you thought it was just humans who had take aways!?!
Yesterday, I was really lucky. When my human put my take away in my dish for me to eat, there was loads of yummy gravy on it ... which, of course, I licked off first. How else do you eat it? And then I saved the meat for later. When I went back for it, and tasted it, I was surprised at just how yummy it was! It turned out to be chicken flavoured with garlic! Mmmmm .... I wonder if my breath smells today? I'll have to ask my human later ....
But then, I was having a conversation with a human who has 'liked' me on Facebook and she asked me why I never go out to eat. I thought it was a bit of a funny question, because I often eat out ... me and my human have a lovely neighbour who lives upstairs from us. She keeps a bag of my favourite treats at the bottom of her stairs, and if we're out in the yard at the same time, she puts some on the ground for me ...
... So you see, I often get to eat out ...
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