My human decided to clean her kitchen cupboards out earlier tonight.
I decided to help her. I like to get involved with anything she's doing. And from what I've overheard in her counselling room, I believe it's good for the two partners in a relationship to do things together. And that's all I was doing. I thought it would be good for our relationship for us to do something together.
I don't know why though, but she didn't seem to appreciate my help. She didn't seem to think that this was something that would be good for us to do together.

Don't worry though, because it worked out okay.
She gave me some treats to 'persuade' me to get out of the cupboard.

Don't worry though, because it worked out okay.
She gave me some treats to 'persuade' me to get out of the cupboard.
I knew she'd do that. I knew that if I sat there long enough I'd get some! I always get what I want!
My human thinks she's clever ... but she's not as clever as me.
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