Friday, 24 May 2013

Her finger's having panic attacks ...

Do you remember me telling you yesterday that I was worried I was going to have one of those 'sleepless nights' that I hear you humans have?

I hope you didn't have a sleepless night last night worrying about me having a sleepless night?

Because I didn't! I slept like a kitten ... well; like any cat does really. You know how good we are at sleeping ... practice makes purrfect & all that ...

I did though, when I was snuggling into my human before we went to sleep, spend a little bit of time thinking about what my human had told me about her finger after her latest trip to the vets.  And I think I believe her now that the latest contraption she has to wear really does have nothing to do with me & that silly little scratch.

This was me thinking about her finger before my sleepfull night ...

Now I thought, when I've heard my human talking about 'panic attacks,' that they were just something like a trick a human's mind plays on them to scare themselves. And I didn't realise that bits of a human's body (cats' bodies too, I guess) could get panic attacks.

But it seems to me that that's what's happening to my human's finger ...

Her finger got a big fright when she burned it. The nerves especially,were frightened ... so would I be I think, if I'd been burned! They, and her skin, are still working hard to repair themselves & get back to normal. But they're still traumatised. And now, whenever anything gets close to them, or they're moved, they panic. Aarrgghhh!! They get scared that they're going to get hurt again & so they go on high alert (like when a cat is stalking tasty prey), meaning that my human now feels a lot of pain whenever she moves her finger or touches anything with it.

Her poor little nerves are terrified. Her finger is living in constant fear of being hurt again.

It seems to me that she needs to spend some time doing that counselling thing that she does with her clients to her own finger to help it get over its trauma & fear.

I wonder if my human realises that her finger keeps having panic attacks? 

She will if she reads this ...


  1. Think you've got the right ideas there Elsie!! She will have to talk to that finger of hers and ask it some gentle questions. Xf

  2. It just needs to straighten itself out if you ask me ...

    Or maybe, I could lick it better for her? I'm not sure that she or her finger would like that though ... I'm quite proud of the scratchiness of my tongue, x
