Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Feline happiness ...

I've just been looking over my human's shoulder as she's been writing on her blog ... she was writing about how different things make people happy and that success means different things for different people.  Click here if you'd like to read it ....  'We all walk different roads.'

It's made me think about how complicated these human creatures are.  They seem to do and think about a lot of different things ... seems like a lot of hard work to me.  Unnecessary hard work.

I mean, happiness and success are easy aren't they?  What more do you need than a nice warm house, nice food and a cost knee to snuggle on ... that's what happiness is.  What more is there?!
Me; happily snuggled on my human's knee


  1. I'm looking for a knee to snuggle on. But - I don't fit! What can I do Elsie? X felicity

  2. Ooh; that's a tough one Felicity ... you obviously didn't choose the right human to live with, did you ?!
    But now you've got me thinking, because my human doesn't have a knee to snuggle on neither ... but I know that she's very happy having me to snuggle on her knee ...

    So that's the answer ... for you, & all those other humans out there (I think I'm right in guessing you're a human?) who are too big to snuggle on knees ... get yourself a friendly, furry, feline friend who can snuggle on YOUR knee ... hours of fun & affection guaranteed, xx

    1. I know that's the answer elsie( yes I am human and too big to get all of me on my other human's knee) I have had quite a few feline friends in the past and I know just how cuddly you are. Trouble is : I'm a sort of bird lover as well and my garden is dedicated to the birds and if I had another feline friend things might just go wrong - you know what I mean. I've already got a stalker who hangs around watching for a tasty mouthfu! I've got some lovely birds like jays , a woodpecker, bull finches, goldfinches, siskins and many more of the more common garden birds - so you see I would have to give up the pleasure of watching all of my feathered friends through the window because they just wouldn't come if I had a cat sitting in the garden or watching out of the window as I know you like to do. So - good idea but just not practical at the minute. I'll just have to go without these wonderful knee moments! Lots of love from felicity xx

  3. Aww Felicity; that's sad that you're going to have to go without snuggly knee moments ... but I do understand your love of birds!? They're such good fun to watch and chase ...
