I know it's starting to get warmer outside just now, but that's no reason for my human to have stopped making the radiators go hot ...
She's working away on her computer again. She can do that now, now that her fingers are getting better. I've got a little story to tell you about that later; about how I'm helping make her fingers better ...

But while she's busy on her computer, it means she hasn't got time to play with me or snuggle in ... & I get cold. I've tried sitting on her knee while she's working, but it's not very comfy because I get all squashed up against the table. I know us cats can sleep anywhere, but I'd still rather be comfy!!

So look where I've had to go today to keep warm and snuggle in. I've had to burrow my way under the duvet on our bed. You can see what a big job it was lifting up the duvet ... it's a big thing compared to little me.
And then I had to burrow and snuggle my way into the middle of the bed, because that's where it's warmest. That's where no cold draughts can sneak in. That bump in the middle of the bed under the pretty pink flowers is me.
I'm going to stay here all afternoon now. Furry dreams and snuggly warmth.
Warm, cosy and snug as a cat in a duvet ...
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