She's been again today & look what she's come back with! I mean, what is it? An odd shaped bit of plastic with pink fur & straps. That's just stupid that is! And she has to wear it every night or if she's sitting around just relaxing ... the quality of my tickles are going downhill aren't they?! It's just not fair!

Cos look what happens when she puts it on ... that's going to get in the way of our snuggles, cuddles & tickles isn't it!?

And I don't understand what they've done to her finger anyway. At least one of them is no longer wrapped up, but the other one is ... & just look at the shape of it! That was a perfectly straight finger before she went to that first human vets'. And now, look at it! Bent! And she can't bend or straighten it. It's stuck like that.

She says it won't be like that forever, but I'm not so sure. She's told me that she has to do exercises with her fingers every couple of hours ... & no; stroking me apparently doesn't count. But these exercises hurt because they need to stretch the skin over her finger. What have they done to her at that vets?
Can you tell I'm angry? I'm angry because that stupid plastic thing is going to get in the way of our snuggly tickles.
But I'm even more angry because they keep hurting my human.
Instead of mending her, it seems that they just keep breaking her more ...
& I don't like to see her broken ...
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