Friday, 26 April 2013

Snug as a cat in a duvet ...

I know it's starting to get warmer outside just now, but that's no reason for my human to have stopped making the radiators go hot ...

She's working away on her computer again.  She can do that now, now that her fingers are getting better. I've got a little story to tell you about that later; about how I'm helping make her fingers better ...

But while she's busy on her computer, it means she hasn't got time to play with me or snuggle in ... & I get cold.  I've tried sitting on her knee while she's working, but it's not very comfy because I get all squashed up against the table.  I know us cats can sleep anywhere, but I'd still rather be comfy!!

So look where I've had to go today to keep warm and snuggle in.  I've had to burrow my way under the duvet on our bed.  You can see what a big job it was lifting up the duvet ... it's a big thing compared to little me.

And then I had to burrow and snuggle my way into the middle of the bed, because that's where it's warmest.  That's where no cold draughts can sneak in.  That bump in the middle of the bed under the pretty pink flowers is me.

I'm going to stay here all afternoon now.  Furry dreams and snuggly warmth.

Warm, cosy and snug as a cat in a duvet ...

Thursday, 18 April 2013

No; we don't need to find my human a new boyfriend ...

One of my friends sent this picture to me ... I haven't shown it to my human yet, but I think she might like it! I think it might make her smile :-)

And it's definitely good timing! Now I know she's not knitting me stupid things to wear like this poor cat ... my human does have more sense than that!! But after her little fire-lighting escapade, maybe we do need to find her a boyfriend ... ?!

Because then, he could light the candles & I wouldn't have to worry about my human burning herself again ... he'd get burnt instead, leaving my human's fingers intact to tickle me with (if she ever finds a human vet to mend her!).

But then again, no ... she doesn't need a boyfriend. She's got me. And her & I don't want anyone else intruding into our home or into our snuggles ...

I thought my friend was being funny & nice sending me this picture ... now I'm not so sure.

I don't want my human getting any ideas ... surely I'm enough for her?!

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Why do they keep on breaking my human ... ?

When will she listen to me & go to a better vets?  The ones she keeps going to are obviously no good!

She's been again today & look what she's come back with!  I mean, what is it?  An odd shaped bit of plastic with pink fur & straps.  That's just stupid that is!  And she has to wear it every night or if she's sitting around just relaxing ... the quality of my tickles are going downhill aren't they?!  It's just not fair! 

Cos look what happens when she puts it on ... that's going to get in the way of our snuggles, cuddles & tickles isn't it!?

And I don't understand what they've done to her finger anyway.  At least one of them is no longer wrapped up, but the other one is ... & just look at the shape of it!  That was a perfectly straight finger before she went to that first human vets'.  And now, look at it!  Bent!  And she can't bend or straighten it.  It's stuck like that.

She says it won't be like that forever, but I'm not so sure.  She's told me that she has to do exercises with her fingers every couple of hours ... & no; stroking me apparently doesn't count.  But these exercises hurt because they need to stretch the skin over her finger.  What have they done to her at that vets?

Can you tell I'm angry?  I'm angry because that stupid plastic thing is going to get in the way of our snuggly tickles.

But I'm even more angry because they keep hurting my human. 
 Instead of mending her, it seems that they just keep breaking her more ... 
& I don't like to see her broken ...

Monday, 15 April 2013

Making my human's hand better ...

My human is going back to the vets' tomorrow. As I've already told you, I don't think the vets she's seen have been very good ... so this is me cuddling into her arm to help make her hand better.

I'm being very careful not to lie on her fingers because from the faces she's been pulling & some of the strange sounds she's been making, I think it still hurts.

I'm sure my cuddles will do her more good than the vets have ...

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Snuggled up together reading ...

This is what me & my human get up to on windy Sundays ... I went outside earlier & nearly got blown away! This is much safer ... snuggled up together reading.

Today we're reading, 'Hungers and Compulsions: The Psychodynamic Treatment of Eating Disorders and Addictions' Edited by Jean Petrucelli and Catherine Stuart.

I didn't know anything about the struggles some humans have with eating and feeling good about themselves and their bodies until I lived here. It's interesting, and although I wouldn't tell my human, I do quite like reading the stuff she finds. She thinks I'm just snuggling on her knee, getting in the way of her books ... but I'm not. I'm just trying to get myself comfy & get the best view!!

Sometimes though, she reads too quickly & she's turned the page over before I've had a chance to finish. That can be very annoying because it means I have to get the book again when she's out so that I can read the bits I've missed ...

Friday, 12 April 2013

My human's been to the vets' ...

It's been a few days since I've written on here.  That's because I've been keeping a close eye on my human, to make sure she doesn't burn our house down.  I've become quite attached to this house since I moved in over three years ago!!  As I said in my previous blog entry, her & I take good care of each other, and that's what I've been doing this week ...

I'll never sit this close to a candle holder again ... !!!

She hurt her hand last weekend and had to go straight to the vets to see if they could make her better.  She'd been lighting one of those pretty candles so that her and I could have a nice cosy, snuggly evening together, but something went wrong and she lit her hand instead!?  A bit of a silly thing to do if you ask me.  I know she often has cold hands (not so nice when she's tickling my tummy!?), but surely, snuggling into me would have been a much nicer way of warming them up instead of lighting a fire on her hands ... !?

Mind you, it could have been worse.  Can you imagine if it had been my paw she'd lit?  Burnt, singed, fur?  No; not good!  She's told me the story of another cat who used to live here with her before I moved in, called Scrumpy.  (Isn't that a nice name for a cat?  Not as nice as Elsie, but still nice).  Scrumpy went too close to one of those candles one night and singed her whiskers.  Apparently the smell of singed whisker stayed in the air for ages ... I never want to smell that smell!  Singed human is bad enough!  And since then, my human has only ever used candles in jars and special little holders, so us cats don't get burned.

A very smelly finger
Anyway ...  I think she must have gone to a different vets than the one she took me to.  Perhaps there are different vets for humans?  They didn't do a very good job of mending her.  When she came back, she had a big white thing wrapped around her hand.  And one of her fingers was completely wrapped up ... no chance of that one getting cold!  You'd have thought the fire would have warmed her hand up enough, but apparently not.  And the worst thing was ...  the smell!  Yuck!!  She told me it was the magic cream they'd put on her finger to help make it better ... didn't smell good to me at all.  It was so bad, I couldn't even bring myself to sit on her knee for my cuddle.  And when we went to bed, I had to sleep as far away from her hand as I could ... right at the bottom corner on my own.  No bedtime snuggles for either of us that night ...

Two wrapped up fingers now !?!
She went to the vets again the next morning ... she'd been told to a different one apparently this time, so I was hopeful that this one would fix her.  But if you ask me, they didn't seem to be any better than the one she'd been to the night before.  This time, she came back with 2 of her fingers wrapped up!  Apparently the burn on her middle finger, which the other vets hadn't bothered to wrap up, had continued to cook over night .... two fingers out of use now!  That's not good for tickling me!  But at least she didn't smell this time.

It's been amusing to watch her around the house this week; because she can't use those 2 fingers, she's struggled to do things she usually does just fine.  You should come and watch her washing the dishes with just one hand, trying to write, typing without using those fingers, brushing her teeth with her 'wrong' hand ... I could go on but I'll not embarrass her too much.  I think it's been good for her in some ways though, because she must now have more of an idea of what it's like to be me.  Me with my paws.  I don't have fingers, and I manage perfectly fine.  'Purr'sonally, I think she's making a big fuss over nothing.
It looks like some bizarre creature out to get me ...

I think it's going to drag on for a bit though.  I think she needs to find a better vet.  She went back and although she did come back with her middle finger less well wrapped up, her other finger just keeps getting bigger and bigger.  There's no chance of that one getting cold is there?  I mean, look at it ... it looks like some bizarre creature.  And it's not very good at tickling my head.

And from what she told me, her vet just sounds nasty and cruel.  I won't tell you what they did to her, or what she says her finger looked like ... sounds like something out of a horror movie!  I just hope she never takes me to that vet.

She assures me that the vets know what they're doing ... but I'm not so sure ...

Friday, 5 April 2013

Keep calm and stroke the cat ...

This mug recently appeared in our home.  I have no idea where my human got it from, but it's good advice, don't you think?!
Wise, wise words ...

Keep calm and stroke the cat!!  And as far as I'm concerned, the more often my human does just that, the happier and more content we both are ...

I do happen to know though from the things my human reads that research does actually show that stroking us cats does help people relax and keep calm. I don't know why they had to go and do research ... all they had to do was ask me and I would have told them just how good us cats are for our humans.

Taking care of us is such an honour, it gives humans a sense of responsibility.  And a reason to get up each morning and go out to work, to earn money & provide our food and the lovely warm homes that we live in.

It's funny, but writing this, is making me realise just how good my human is at taking care of me.  The last lot of humans I lived with weren't so good.  They just threw me out  like I was rubbish.  How dare they!!  It still makes me really angry to remember.  And especially when I think about the weather that they threw me out into ... it was deep snow and I had to live outside in it!  I had to find shelter under peoples' cars and there were no warm knees to snuggle in to then ...

I was very sad at that time.  And very lonely.  And very stressed too ... so much so, I licked all of the fur off my tummy & down my legs ... a silly thing to do really in all that snow cos it was cold!  My human later began to call me her little 'Raggy Muffin' ...

Mmm ... tempting treats ...
But that was when my human first noticed me ... & I noticed her.  She seemed really lovely when she first began speaking to me and stroking me.  And then she began tempting me with treats ... I was little bit scared at first, because I know you're not meant to take things off strangers ... & you're most definitely not meant to go into strangers' houses.  But this human stranger seemed really kind ... & I was starving and freezing!!

Me, living in the snow, & thinking, 'I'd like to live in that home ...'

No; I really don't want to go back out in that ...

So in I went ... & I've never looked back really!

At first, she didn't let me stay, but she did tell me to keep coming back and that she would feed me.  And she did.  Every time I went there, she gave me food to fill my tummy.  And I began spending more and more time there, until I just moved in with her ...

I'll tell you the full story one day, but for now, it's nice to know that my human and I love each other and take good care of each other ...

This is me making myself comfy in my new home ... you can see how sad I'd been by my bald patches ...

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Feline happiness ...

I've just been looking over my human's shoulder as she's been writing on her blog ... she was writing about how different things make people happy and that success means different things for different people.  Click here if you'd like to read it ....  'We all walk different roads.'

It's made me think about how complicated these human creatures are.  They seem to do and think about a lot of different things ... seems like a lot of hard work to me.  Unnecessary hard work.

I mean, happiness and success are easy aren't they?  What more do you need than a nice warm house, nice food and a cost knee to snuggle on ... that's what happiness is.  What more is there?!
Me; happily snuggled on my human's knee