My human does some funny things sometimes, so how was I meant to know what was going on when I went to use my litter tray (as you do!) & found it not there!? The floor was all wet & smelly too!
I thought I should investigate cos I was worried that someone had crept into our house when we were busy on the computer & stolen my litter tray. What would I have done then?
But phew! There it was in the bathroom! Sitting with my dinners & the kitchen bin .. I told you my human does stupid things didn't I?!
What was even more odd though was that there was no litter in my tray! Now that's never happened before! I wasn't sure what to do cos I don't know where litter comes from ... there must be a cat litter shop somewhere that my human goes to; but she's never taken me there! Which is a bit of a cheek isn't it? I mean, I'm the one who uses the litter, shouldn't I get to choose it? My human does a good job though; she always gets good stuff.
Well, what's a cat supposed to do? So there I was, quite happily minding my own business doing my business when my human came in & started laughing at me?
"Could you not have waited 2 minutes, Elsie?" she asked. I was just cleaning the floor (that's what the funny smell was!) & your litter tray!"
Well; how was I meant to know?
And of course, she then had to wash my litter tray out all over again! Oops!
But at least it's nice & clean now ...
Oh Elsie!!! Tut tut tut. X felicity