Before I start, I have to let you know that the musings on this blog are entirely my own thoughts … I'm not letting my human take any of the credit!
Let me introduce myself … Little Miss Elsie Cat is my name & I share a warm, comfortable house with my human. She’s a nice, kind human most of the time, although sometimes I find myself exasperated by her. She let me move in with her some time ago after my previous humans began to forget feeding me & left me outside in that horrible cold white stuff that sometimes falls out of the sky. She started giving me food and let me check out her home before I decided to move in and stay …
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Me; hard at work |
I’ve been happy there since I moved in, but my human gets up to some odd stuff at times; I’m not really sure what she does, but at different times on most days I get shut out of the room she calls her “counselling room”. She gives me no explanation for this rude behaviour except to say that she has “clients” … whatever they might be!?! I get shut in the back end of the house and I hear other people come into our house, but I have no idea who they are. By the time she opens the door to let me out, they’ve gone!? Why won’t she let me meet them? I’m sure I could be helpful if she’d only let me in there.
Sometimes, when I’ve been able to open the door that shuts me into the back end of the house I’ve tried to get into the room when she’s with these “clients” but she won’t open the door. And she makes sure that it’s shut tight so I can’t open it by myself. And even if I use my loudest voice she just ignores my mews. Which is odd because when she’s not shut in that room she mostly listens to me (even if she doesn’t always do what I say immediately).
From listening to her talk to these “clients” and watching other things she does (usually on one of those things she calls a “computer” or a “laptop”) I’ve worked out that she does something called “counselling” or “therapy” in there. Some of the things she talks about or reads about seem really interesting … some of them just seem silly to my superior feline intelligence. I always make sure I read what she’s reading in her books or on her computer or laptop … You’d think she’d be happy that I take such an interest in what she’s doing, but she seems to get irritated when I sit on her books or in front of the computer screen. But where else am I meant to sit to read them?!
My human has one of these blogs on which she writes some interesting stuff, and I decided that I wanted one too. So one day when she was in ‘that’ room, I set this blog for myself up on her laptop. Computer keys are so much easier for me to get my paws around than pens are; I keep trying to write with the pens she leaves lying around, but I just can’t get a grasp on them. My human thinks I’m just chasing her pens around the room but I’m not. I’m trying to teach myself to write, but don’t tell anyone else that ’cause it’s not cool for a cat to admit to not being able to do something.
So, “Mews and Musings” is my blog and on it I’m going to write about my musings on my life with my human and the things that she says, does, reads and writes about. I expect that a lot of my entries will be my thoughts about the “therapy” she does, and reads and writes about, because that stuff fascinates me … even if it doesn’t always make sense to my obviously superior feline mind.
I hope you enjoy reading my musings … or should that be “mews-ings” … ?
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