I'm furious.
I was enjoying a lovely snuggly cuddle on my human's knee, when both of us heard the tell-tale sounds of munching coming from the kitchen.
Well, this time, I'd had enough. I'm sick of having my dinner stolen. So this time, I ran faster than my human & I got there before she did. And more importantly, before stupid, greedy black-&-white cat (yes; it was him again) had a chance to run.
And this time I yowled. I hissed. I attacked him.

Look at my furious face as I stood outside in the yard glaring at him.
It's seriously getting ridiculous now.
I've had enough of having my breakfast, dinner, team & take-aways stolen.
I'm out to get him now.
Stupid, stupid cat.
But then again, when I stop to think about it, he's not so stupid is he? My human gives my lovely, yummy dinners. I bet his humans don't give him such lovely, yummy dinners. if they did, he wouldn't need to come & steal mine would he?
Just when I was starting to think this way though & beginning to feel a little bit sorry for him, he went & did this.
And upset me again.
And made me angry again.
Sprayed my wall.
Trying to claim it.
Trying to make it his territory.
Well it's not. It's mine.
And how dare he try to leave his mark like this.
And then; it got worse.
Look at him.
Sitting up on the wall looking all self-righteous with a full tummy.
Oh, I've had enough now.
It's all out war.
He's still a coward though, because when my human walked closer to him to tell him off, he ran away.
Cowardly, scaredy cat. Scared of my lovely human ...
He's got nothing on me though & the furious fury I'm currently feeling ...
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