As if the Santa Claws hat wasn't enough to upset me though, I learned that my human had been enjoying Christmas Day with another cat, whilst she left me all on my own at home.
I know she has other cats in her life, and I'm (kind of) okay with this, because it's always me she comes home to. And I knew that on Christmas Day, she'd be seeing the cat called Smudge.

And that was okay. (Kind of)
But what wasn't okay were the photos that I found.
I wasn't happy to see that he got to share a glass of mulled wine with her.
Not that I wanted any. I don't understand why you humans drink alcohol. It just seems to make you either get sleepy or more stupid than usual. Nothing at all like catnip ....
So no; I didn't any. But it hurt me to find this picture on my human's phone ... of Smudge sitting with my human's glass of mulled wine.
And then, I kept looking at her phone. Maybe I shouldn't have. I know it's not good to spy on your human, but sometimes I just need to know what she's up to when she's not at home.

And then ... I found this picture.
And this one hurt.
Smudge sitting at the Christmas table ... whilst I'd been sitting at home all by myself.
Things did get a bit better though because when my human did eventually decide to come back home, she brought me a lovely plate of Christmas turkey, which was yummy.
In fact, I'd even go as far as to say that the Christmas turkey was nicer than my Dreamies ...
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