I got into a bit of trouble before Christmas with some presents ...

Apparently this wasn't the right thing to do though. And my human wasn't very happy with me, but I did manage to get inside of it and found it full ... of catnip filled toys! Wow!!
I pulled 3 of them out. My human tried to take them off me, but I was having none of it and I scratched her hand.

Apparently the catnip toys were Christmas presents for me and the other cats in my human's life. How was I meant to know that? And what did I care about Christmas anyway? I'm a cat. If there's catnip in the house I want it ... now ... not at Christmas.

She eventually gave up and gave me one of them ... although I wasn't happy that she took 2 of them away.
But at least she left me with a nice red fish to play with.
Which I did for a while, very happily. Getting increasingly high and happy on catnip! It's great stuff! I read about you humans drinking alcohol and taking drugs ... you haven't tried anything until you've tried Catnip!
Although I was happy with my red fish, I remembered all the other toys in the bag and I began sniffing the air to try and find them.
My human had tried to hide them from me, but she hadn't considered the power of my little nose. Or teh enticing smell of catnip.

And it didn't take me long to sniff them out ...
On top of the new cooker hood wasn't a very inventive place now was it human?
So she moved them again ...
And it wasn't long before I found them again.

This time, she'd hidden them in our big junk cupboard. Which was quite a good place ... until she left the door open a little bit!
And I was in there! I got the packet again. I got a blue one with stars this time!

And then I got into trouble for helping her wrap her Christmas presents up ... (There's sometimes just no pleasing you humans. And anyway, what's the point of wrapping presents up, when you've just got to tale the paper off again? Seems stupid to me.)
For sitting inside them & their poppy pop-pop paper ....

For sitting on them ...
(If she didn't want me to sit on them, she shouldn't have put them on the floor, should she?!)
You humans are funny when it comes to Christmas! I've got a lot more to tell you about my Christmas, but it's time for a sleep just now ...
I'll have a rest & then tell you more later ...
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