Following on from the post I wrote just before, I want to tell you a little story about last Saturday night ...
You see, I did something similar then too ...
But I wasn't going to be conned like that. As I'm sure you know, Saturday nights are good nights for going out. And much as my human wanted her Saturday night out, my Saturday night out was more important.
And she stupidly left the bathroom window open anyway! So of course, out I jumped!
The look on her face when she was getting ready to go out & saw me sitting outside in the yard was a picture! I wish you could have seen it! Bemusement at me for being out. Anger at herself for forgetting to close the window.

She tried to call me in, but no way was I going back inside! Up I jumped onto the wall where I knew she couldn't reach me!
And then I disappeared! Off I went to have my fun & Saturday night out. And because my human won't leave me out on my own (who would be there to let me in when I was ready to go in?!), she had to stay in; at home, where she belongs.
I did call back to check on her after an hour or so. But I was careful to stay up on the wall so she didn't get any ideas about catching me.
What do you mean; you were meant to be going to a nice outdoors event & enjoying the summer evening?
I'm out, so you have to stay in!
And I'm not coming in anytime soon.
And I didn't.
I went in when I was ready. And it was too late by then by my human to go out.
Oops! Sorry human ... kind of.
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