She laughed at me last night & I didn't like it. I didn't see anything funny.
I thought she'd been nice to me because she'd bought some yummy new crunchy biscuits. And they were very lovely.
In fact, they were so very yummy that I wanted to make the very most of them. And so I thought about some of the things I've read about in my human's PhD thingy.
And one of those things was something called 'mindful eating.'
For those of you who don't know, this means using your mind to eat.
Now, when I first read that, I thought it sounded a little bit silly, because we really use our mouths to eat, don't we?! Not our minds.
But apparently, what it really means is thinking about what you're eating instead of just shovelling it in & swallowing it ... which I have to admit to doing sometimes with 'Dreamies.'
Apparently, if you think about the food in your mouth, you taste it more & enjoy it better. And it lasts longer! It also apparently helps you recognise when your tummy's full up, so you don't just keep mindlessly eating & get big & fat.
So because these new crunchy biscuits were so very yummy I wanted to practise this mindful eating malarkey.
I thought my human would be proud of me. But she wasn't. She just looked at me with a look of bemusement on her face. Which I really didn't understand.
To slow my mouth down & to help my mind think, I took a mouthful of the yummy crunchy biscuits out of my dish & carried them along to the lovely kitchen mat. I then let them fall out of my mouth ... & let me tell you, it took a LOT of restraint for me to do that & not just chew & swallow.
I then slowly ate them one at a time.
And when I'd finished them, I went back to my bowl & took another mouthful. This time though, my mind thought to take them to the nice soft living room carpet. And again, I spat them out before eating them one by one.
And I did this time & time again until my bowl was empty.
I really thought my human would be proud; especially of my creativity. I know that humans can put their knives & forks down between mouthfuls to help slow down their mouths. Now us cats, don't use knives & forks, so I thought that putting the yummy crunchy biscuits down between mouthfuls would be a good way for me to do this. I don't know why my human couldn't see that. Considering she's doing a PhD thingy, she's very stupid sometimes.
I'm not sure what I think about this mindful eating malarkey. With all of the walking between my bowl & the kitchen mat & the living room carpet, I was exhausted! All of that extra exercise would stop me getting big & fat, never mind the eating with my mind.
I haven't had any of the yummy crunchy biscuits yet today, so I haven't decided how I'll eat them next time. I don't want my human laughing at me again though, so I might just eat them with my mouth ... or then again, I might use my mind.
I'm a cat; I can do whatever I like!
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