Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Time is a funny thing ...

Starting the year as I mean to go on; with snuggles
Happy New Year everyone !

I don't know why you humans make such a fuss about 'New Year.'

You are always so hung up on time.  What does time matter anyway?

You seem to measure it by sleeps.  You go to sleep at night time when it's dark, and that's the end of one day. And then when you wake up, it's morning and that's another day.

As a cat, that seems a bit odd.  We have lots of sleeps during each of your human days ... does this mean that my time is different to your time? And if so, what is my time?

I also think you humans are funny about time when it comes to eating ... you have different meals at different times of the day; breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea, supper, etc.  These meals seem to be be part of the whole measuring time thing too.

Why can't you just eat whatever you want whenever you want it?

I'm going to confuse myself if I keep thinking about this ... it must be time for a sleep.

But before I do go off to sleep, I do want to wish all you humans and your feline friends a Happy New Year.

The photos on here of me & my human in the early hours of this morning, in the night time ... whenever it was.

My human enjoying a glass of fizzy stuff & a cuddle with me ... a perfect start to her 2014

It's all too much for me ... I'm off to bed.  Good night?  Good morning?  Good sleep!

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