Saturday, 4 January 2014

Tee hee; I win ... !!

Silly little human's been at our house again tonight.

I don't know why my human insists on having her come to stay with us. As far as I'm concerned she just gets in the way.  She takes up my human's attention. She cuddles into my human. She even sleeps in our bed.  And all of this obviously means less attention and room for me. Which, as I'm sure you can appreciate, makes me very unhappy and annoyed.

But ha!! I got some revenge tonight. My human and the little one were playing some kind of board game tonight. They were sitting together on the floor with this game in front of them and they had to keep rolling a nice big, chunky dice before they could have their turn.

Well; I couldn't have cared less about the board game, but that big chunky dice was irresistible. It was even more fun than the chocolates I was playing with last night. 

I had great fun, sneaking up on my human and the little one, and taking a long, hard swipe at that dice.  Sending it flying across the living room floor, chasing after it, catching it ... & swiping it hard with my paw all over again. Whilst the humans watched me with looks mingled with laughter, disbelief, frustration, bemusement and anger ... 

In fact; just look at this picture.  See how fast I was running? The camera couldn't even keep up with me. 

I look almost ghost like! But trust me, I'm not a ghost; I was there!

And best of all, by stealing their dice, I was spoiling their game!! Tee hee!!

That'll teach my human to let the little one come and stay!!

Friday, 3 January 2014

Mischief free snuggles ...

I love snuggling in on my human's nice warm cosy knee.

My human says she loves having me snuggling in on her knee ...

...  if I'm on her knee, she says, at least she knows I'm getting up to no mischief ... 

Chocolatey fun ...

Oops!  I think I've upset my human again.

She left her box of chocolates on the living room.

And it was just too much temptation for me.

A whole box of chocolates to play with.

I just couldn't resist & had to play with them.  

I managed to get one out of the box & batted it round our living room with my paw.

I had great fun.

I don't think my human was amused.

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Little Miss Angry Cat ...

My human made me really angry earlier today ... 

All I wanted to do was cuddle & snuggle with her.  All she wanted to do was PhD thingy.

She was sitting at the computer working away, which I wasn't happy about.

So I kept shouting at her. 

And to be fair to her, she did keep getting up & following me through the flat. She kept going to the kitchen though.

That wasn't where I wanted her. I wanted her to sit on the sofa in the living room.

But no; she kept going into the kitchen, putting Dreamies in my dish, giving me fresh water, checking my litter tray was clean & tidy, giving me fresh dinner ...

And all of that was nice; especially the Dreamies!

But it wasn't what I wanted.

After the umpteenth time of her sitting at the computer, me sitting next to her shouting at her, her getting up & following me into the kitchen she eventually got the message!

She picked me up & sat down on the sofa ... & I immediately started purring loudly to let her know she'd finally gotten the message.

All I wanted was to snuggle on the warmth of my human's knee.

And no human; I don't care that I disturbed you & stopped you doing PhD thingy ... I'm much more important than that.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

PS ... I need to tell you something ...

PS ... just before I do go off to bed, I need to tell you something.

Me and my human have been talking, and she's been telling me that she's not always happy about this things I write on here.  She's told me that she didn't help me set up this blog to be silly and to make fun of her, as I sometimes do.

I don't know what business it is of hers, because this is my blog, not hers.  She's got her own over at and I don't tell her what she can and can't write on it.

But anyway.  She's the boss ... well; she's not really, I am.  But I have to let her think she is sometimes ... although I think she knows she's not.  But we can pretend ...

Anyway.  I have listened to my human.  And I do remember what our plans were when she first let me have my own blog.  And actually, I think we did have some good ideas ....

So, I'm going to try and see if I can't begin to write about some more 'serious' things.  As my human says, I'm a clever little cat and I've got a lot to say for myself, and I'm going to try and find the time to write about the things I think about.

And I've learned a lot from reading the books my human reads and the things she writes.  I've listened in on a few of the conversations she's had with her clients.  (Oh; don't worry, I know all about confidentiality and would never do anything to break that rule)  And I've heard her talking out loud to herself when she's trying to make sense of the PhD thingy.  So I've got a lot of things inside my head that I could write about and share with you all.

It would be selfish of me not to, wouldn't it?

It's going to be hard fitting it all in around my sleeps and dinners and snuggles and fighting off the other neighbourhood cats ... but I'll try.

PS ... I'll still post my pictures and silly stuff about my human too ...

Time is a funny thing ...

Starting the year as I mean to go on; with snuggles
Happy New Year everyone !

I don't know why you humans make such a fuss about 'New Year.'

You are always so hung up on time.  What does time matter anyway?

You seem to measure it by sleeps.  You go to sleep at night time when it's dark, and that's the end of one day. And then when you wake up, it's morning and that's another day.

As a cat, that seems a bit odd.  We have lots of sleeps during each of your human days ... does this mean that my time is different to your time? And if so, what is my time?

I also think you humans are funny about time when it comes to eating ... you have different meals at different times of the day; breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea, supper, etc.  These meals seem to be be part of the whole measuring time thing too.

Why can't you just eat whatever you want whenever you want it?

I'm going to confuse myself if I keep thinking about this ... it must be time for a sleep.

But before I do go off to sleep, I do want to wish all you humans and your feline friends a Happy New Year.

The photos on here of me & my human in the early hours of this morning, in the night time ... whenever it was.

My human enjoying a glass of fizzy stuff & a cuddle with me ... a perfect start to her 2014

It's all too much for me ... I'm off to bed.  Good night?  Good morning?  Good sleep!