I told you all earlier about my human and the human she calls "Dad" breaking the kitchen didn't I?
Well; it appears we have our new kitchen. But I have to say I'm not at all impressed with it. It looks nothing like a kitchen to me. And it's in the living room!? What kind of kitchen is that?
I'm beginning to worry that the PhD thingy has taken its toll on my human and she's finally gone mad.
It all started on Thursday night when she put 2 big sheets down on the floor. I went to bed with her as usual, but once she was asleep, I got up and started to fold the sheets back up. I didn't want to say anything to her, because I didn't want to hurt her feelings, so I thought I'd just quietly put them away. It got cold though, so I went back to bed and forget about the sheets ... until we got up the next morning.
"What have you been doing to them?" she asked me, before straightening them back out. All of my hard work for nothing.
She then told me that they were there ready for our new kitchen. Why would you need sheets in the living room for a kitchen?
And then, I found my human making her breakfast in the passage. What was that all about? Our kitchen seems to be taking over our whole flat.
It just made no sense to me, so after having my breakfast, in the proper kitchen where my dishes are, I went back to bed & snuggled up under the duvet.
A few hours later I got up and sleepily wandered through the living room ... & suddenly stopped in my tracks.
"Woah!! What's happened here?" I thought.
My human told me it was our new kitchen.
It doesn't look much like a kitchen to me.
The only thing that looks like it might belong in a kitchen is this sink. But it's not much good here is it? The carpet will get wet if she washes the dishes here.
I can't decide if my human has been duped, or if the PhD thingy finally has taken its toll ....
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