My human was already working on this PhD thingy when I moved in with her almost 3 1/2 years ago, but back then, I didn't imagine she'd still be doing it.
Take last night for example. It was getting late, she'd finished with her clients, she'd had her tea, &, as far as I was concerned, that meant that it was snuggles with me time.
But no. She seemed to have other plans. She wanted to sit and do some PhD work on the sofa. Well; I wasn't happy about that. I wanted a cuddle. It was my time. She didn't seem to realise this though & got her books and iPad out. I wasn't having it though. It was my time. My time to sit on her knee & have a cuddle. My snuggle time ...
She gave up eventually. Like any human, she accepted that the cat came first. I knew what was right. I wasn't going to give up. She put the books down & I got my cuddle.
And then this morning. She was up early & although she did give me a little bit of snuggle time. It didn't last.
This is me just lying on her knee, contemplating the day ahead. And wondering when she was going to throw me off so she could go and do some work. It didn't take long. I did enjoy the cuddle & contemplation whilst it lasted though ...
And then, sure enough; she got on the computer. I obviously wasn't happy about that. A day off work. A day off clients. That should mean my human spends the day playing & snuggling with me.
But no. The PhD thingy took her attention.
I sat on her knee to keep her company whilst she worked on her computer. And, to remind her that I was there. To try to make her feel guilty for ignoring me. But it didn't seem to work. Even when I maneuvered myself to make sure I took up one of her arms ... I understand it's easier for you humans to type with two hands, rather than one? I think my human should have been able to manage quite adequately with one hand. It's got 4 fingers and a thumb, after all ... she wants to try typing with paws, like I have to do ...
She wasn't going to stop though. Even when I did fall asleep & started snoring. I was so cosy on her knee. I went into such a lovely deep sleep, with lovely dreams of Dreamies cat-treats ...
And then ... the stupid postman pushed something through the letterbox. Woke me up with such a fright. Interrupted my lovely Dreamies filled dreams. I jumped up off my humans knee. I didn't know where I was. I was still half asleep, as you can see ...
And even tonight, as I'm typing this with my furry little paws, my human is sitting reading yet more papers for the PhD thingy ...
I hope that when it's finished, she remembers she has a lot of making up to me to do ...
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