All is good is my world again. My human came home & I've been getting lots of cuddles. I was so happy to see her when she came home, I just couldn't stop purring loudly for hours & hours.
I decided I liked the man human who came to look after me while she was away. He brought me a new toy. A guitar string.
I thought I knew all about guitar strings because I see them on my human's guitar. And I know that they make a nice noise when she plays it.
But what I didn't know was just how much fun they are for cats! My human has never let me play with them before.
But that's going to change now.
They're great fun tied to door handles. I can bat it around with my paw & they dance about. Great fun. And even when I pull it off the handle, I can still chase them around the floor.
I think they're much more fun like this than they are when they're attached to the guitar.
I haven't worked out yet how to take them off the guitar, so I guess I'll just have to rely on my human doing that for me. I don't know, but I think she might get mad at me if I start trying to take them off myself.
Man human was very clever & thoughtful too because he knew which strings were best for cats to play with & which ones might hurt us. Apparently "top E" strings are too sharp, but "B strings" are okay. And "all wound" strings are good.
I have no idea what any of that means, but it seemed to make sense to my human. So I'll trust her because she always takes good care of me.
B strings are okay for guitar string playing cats ...