I had a bit of an exciting time last night ... although I'm not sure my human would agree.
It must have been getting quite late, because it was dark outside. But it was still nice & warm & I wanted to sit outside on the wall, watching over my territory.
My human obviously wanted to go to bed because she came outside calling my name & shaking the packet of Dreamies at me. Now, usually the Dreamies work, but last night, I just wanted to sit out a little bit longer. And I don't know why, but I just had a feeling that I needed to stay on guard.
I've spotted you pesky Ginger Tom ... |
The human kept coming out & shaking the treats. And I kept ignoring her ... & as you can see from this picture, I was right to. The pesky big Ginger Tom, who hasn't dared come near for a while, was prowling around the back lanes.
This is me keeping my eyes on him ...
I told my human, although I'm not sure she heard me, not to worry, that I'd protect us & keep us safe from the pesky Ginger Tom.
She went inside because I think she realised I had no intention of coming in just then.
And just as well I didn't, because guess what happened?
Yes; Ginger Tom jumped up onto my wall. Well, he wasn't going to get away with that. Along the wall I went to him. We stood, staring at each other, backs arched, tails bushy & then started the yowling & hissing sounds that I'm very good at ...
My human came running outside at this point to see what was going on. I think Ginger Tom got a little bit unnerved by her & so I stole my chance ... I lashed out at him & chased him along the walls. He ran as far down the walls as he could, with me in close pursuit ... & when he got to the end, he had no choice but to jump down.
Ha; I won!! The walls are mine!
I sat down there for a long time, just to make sure he didn't dare come back. Just to make sure he knew who the best cat in this neighbourhood is.
Of course, my human was still shouting for me to come in, but I couldn't. I had to make sure he didn't come back. So she gave up & went back inside ...
Once I was sure he wasn't going to come back, I thought I'd best have a look around the neighbourhood to make sure he wasn't just hiding somewhere. If he'd had any sense he'd have gone back home where he belongs.
Pesky green things stuck in my tail |
And this is the bit my human's a bit puzzled by, because I managed to get attacked by a plant. It stuck its nasty green seeds into my tail and I couldn't get them out by myself. So I had to go home looking stupid with green things sticking out of my tail.
When my human saw them, she didn't know what to think. She tried to touch my tail to get a better look at them, but I wouldn't let her. I hissed and yowled at her.
I feel a bit bad about doing that to her, but I was just so angry with myself for getting them stuck in there ... especially after I'd just shown her how good I am at defending our home and walls.
I eventually let her pick me up & she tried to brush them off me ... but like I'd already discovered, she soon realised they didn't come off very easily. I was still all worked up from my fight, still angry at Ginger Tom, and still angry at the green things for sticking in my tail & I couldn't help keep growling & lashing at the human. I see now she was only trying to help me ... but I didn't want her help. Or, I didn't want to admit that I needed her help.
Sorry for making your sore finger bleed human ... & thank you for pulling all of these pesky seeds out of my tail |
Unfortunately, I forgot about her sore finger & I scratched it. I made it bleed in 3 different places, all on top of the scar which is still growing there.
I love you human ... |
I felt really bad about that, so once she'd finally pulled all of the stupid green things off me (they didn't come off easily & some of my fur came off with them) I gave her a lovely snuggly cuddle. So I think she forgave me. And to be honest, I was just grateful to her for pulling them all off me ... even if she did pull some of my fur out with them!
But it's like any battle isn't it ... sometimes the innocent get inured in the crossfire ...