Human & I have had an interesting week ... I might need to write a couple of blogs to tell you all about it!
It all started last Tuesday night when I found a new little friend. He'd been living in the yard next door & I felt a little bit sorry for him, living out there in the cold, when I knew how warm & cosy my house was. And I remembered how lovely & kind my human was when I'd been living outside in the cold & she invited me in ... & let me live with her forever.
I truly thought she'd do the same for my new friend.
And so last Tuesday night, I picked him up ever so gently in my mouth & took him home with me. I ran straight into the living room & started shouting excitedly at my human, telling her all about the new friend I'd brought home to live with us.
Of course, when I opened my mouth to tell her, my new little friend ran out didn't he?
My human screamed! Wow! I've never heard her be that excited before!
And then she jumped up on the back of the sofa? Wow; she must have been really excited!!
Being the sensible one in the house, I kept an eye on our new little friend to make sure he was okay. I think my human's scream had scared him & so he'd ran & hid underneath this lovely scratchpost that I have. See; the chair shaped one in the picture?
And then for some reason, human screamed again!? I don't know why.
And then she suddenly picked me up & threw me in the bedroom!?
I was having none of it though. I needed to stay in the living room & keep watch on my new little friend to make sure he was okay. I don't know what happened to him though; I lost him for a while.
Human later told me that she'd seen him run into our bedroom & she'd thrown me in there to catch him! I'm not sure whether I believe her or not ...
Anyway, the next day human was still in a bit of a funny mood.
I think she might have been worried about our new little friend because she didn't know where he was. I thought it was quite nice of her to be concerned about him like that.
And through the night, I'd told our new little friend about the importance of being clean & tidy when you live in a house. I didn't want to share my litter tray with him, but I did tell him to use the bath instead. I think my human appreciated that, because she laughed when she saw his droppings sitting in there the next morning.
And yet despite this laughter, she still didn't seem too happy.
By this time, he'd found a nice cosy little place to live beside the fridge in the kitchen.

This is me making sure he's okay.
I think human then began getting concerned about him because she went out & bought him a little home.
See ....
... a cute little home, & she even put almond butter & chocolate in it for him to eat.
What I can't understand though is why she's not happy. And why she's moved my dinner & water ... & litter tray ... into the living room.
She's given my new little friend the whole kitchen for himself, & won't let me go in there to play with him.

I'm tired of eating my dinner off the carpet.
And I'm even more tired of the indignity of having to use my litter tray in the living room. That's not right is it?
It seems to me that this plan has backfired somewhat ...
And oh, I haven't introduced you to my little new friend have I? The little friend I'm not allowed to play with & who has evicted me from the kitchen ...